We "All gave Some...But some gave All"

We "All gave Some...But some gave All"
Honoring All Vietnam Veterans: Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my rock, Who trains my hands to war, And my fingers for battle---

Ephesians 6:10 (NKJV)

" Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might."

26 January, 2010

SDR 1000D Rear Panel Connections

Here is a rear view of my 1000D on the upper shelf, showing the minimum primary connections required to get the system up and running.

On the far left, you can see the power input cable from the Astron 35 amp power supply, which is located on the lower shelf. The 1000D requires 13.8Vdc @25amps The Astron RS-35M is a linear type power supply, as I am not a BIG fan of switching supplies! (Note: I use a 35 amp power supply, as my 1000D has a 100 watt linear amplifier built into it. 1 watt is the normal output power without the linear amp.)

Next to and just below, to the right is the antenna input connector, BNC type. I'm feeding a 1/2 wave 160 meter inverted "V" cut to my operating frequency of 1885khz with RG58X.

On the right side of the panel there three black cables which come from the Delta 44 audio interface, they are; line input- to the sound card(Blue color-coded), line output -to speaker output on the sound card(Green color-coded), and external speaker- to amplified speakers or (high impedance) headset. You will be able to see a better photo of the Delta 44 interface in the next post.

The gray cable below the black audio cables is a standard parallel port connector. A standard parallel cable is used for this interface with no problem!

Ok, that is pretty much it as far as the rear panel cables and interface is required to get things running. Of course you will need a microphone, and or key, paddles or a bug depending on the operation mode you choose. I will cover that in a later post.

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