We "All gave Some...But some gave All"

We "All gave Some...But some gave All"
Honoring All Vietnam Veterans: Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my rock, Who trains my hands to war, And my fingers for battle---

Ephesians 6:10 (NKJV)

" Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might."

28 April, 2009

SDR 1000D Rear View (Hardware)

Starting at the upper left corner of the rear panel you will find the DC input terminals. 13.8VDC - #12 AWG or greater power cord should be used for 100W operation. The far left connector is a BNC type used for 100W Power Amplifier Antenna Connector. (This antenna connector is used for all bands if the 100W amplifier is installed). The connector located toward the top center of the rear panel is an Auxiliary Input Connector for an optional External Reference Oscillator.

The far right hand BNC type connector is to used if the 100W amplifier is not installed. (When installed, this connector is in parallel with the amplifier input circuit.) On the right hand upper corner there are two connectors used for Two Meter transverter, transmit and receive.

The connector under the BNC connector is used for Earth (RF) ground. The lower right hand side of the rear panel houses the external control connector, D type, as well as the Parallel Port Connector, which connects to the PC parallel port. The option SDR-USB USB-to-Parallel Adapter connects to this port.

The smaller connectors across the center right side of the panel are CW/paddle connector, line output (speaker output) on sound card, high impedance output for amplified speaker or headset, line to sound card, and microphone input on sound card.

27 April, 2009

SDR 1000D Front View (Hardware)

On bench in the shack, is my Flex Radio model 1000D. As you can see, a very clean front panel! The power switch is located in the upper left corner, under the logo. The power switch is a standard rocker type, which controls the main power to the hardware.
Just below the power switch is a 7 pin male microphone connector. The plan here is to use a short "home brew" adapter cable so I can interface a Heil Model PR40 using a standard balanced XLR cable from the microphone.
On the right hand side of the front panel, is the grill work and filter used keep air circulating over the circuit boards which are located directly behind the filter. The circuit boards are mounted horizontally, which helps give the cabinet a lower profile and provides plenty of room for the circuitry. ( The film container is an option ! )
The cabinet measures approx, 4"h x 10"w x 9.5"d. This makes the hardware easy to make fit in almost any place in the shack, keeping in mind that there is a fair amount of cabling between the radio and the PC.